Matched to a New Owner

Monterey 270 in Gosport

Matched to a New Owner

Monterey 270

This Boat is no longer lonely

We had been asked to share this Monterey 270 as a potential project for someone. She was in her current predicament purely by being a Lonely Boat for the last few years. Sadly the engine had been deemed to be a write off, despite only having 80 hours on the clock. Through a lack of use and sitting in some water in the bilge the engineers have said it’s only good for spares. The outdrive leg was ok to go back on once there is an engine. The rest of the boat looked in great condition as you can see from the pictures.

After listing the boat on our group for 2 days we had over 50 enquiries to pass on to the owner. We had initially listed the boat for £8500. But the bids soon went way over that. The highest bid we had was £15,000. The advert we posted got 21,500 hits in two days. We hope that the owner is pleased with the service as it’s one of our most popular lonely boats ever. He originally called us for some advice on the situation and we’ve managed to have the boat sold in under a week.

Testimonial from the Owner

“What can I say ? this service is incredible! I was in a very unfortunate position with my boat requiring a new engine. I could not convince myself that making the investment would have left me with a boat of any greater value, however the prospect of selling boat without an engine was daunting.”

“Ever since my first tentative phone call with Luke I was impressed. He was understanding, knowledgable and genuinely willing to help. It obviously helped that unbeknown to me his office was round the corner from my marina, but within the hour of our first conversation he had been to see and assess the boat e-mailing me his considered options that same day.”

“I agreed to list with him on Lonely Boats and he was confident he would be able to put me in touch with a buyer.
I do not believe that even Luke anticipated that within 24 hrs he would have received 36 offers topping out at over 50 on day two.
The boat was sold only three days after my first contact for considerably more than Luke had estimated, INCREDIBLE !!
In this day and age service of this calibre is a rare commodity and that may well represent the best £100 I have ever spent.”