Wellington 47 Ketch For FREE in Exeter
Engine Specifications
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We’ve been asked to share this Wellington 47 Ketch, on offer for FREE in Exeter.
Notes from the owner:
Well respected make of blue water sailing boat, self righting etc. A ketch built in the USA in the late 1970’s.
The hull is GRP and sound, there are two drop keels so its draft is only about 4ft. It’s a big wood work project as the entire deck (plywood) and beams (laminated timber) need replacing. also tops of bulkheads are deteriorating.
The cockpit area (GRP) is ok. The rig (stainless steel with aluminium masts) is complete. There are 4 sails included. The engine needs an overhaul, and so does a 3 cylinder diesel generator. A life raft is included. A total refit is probably required.
The rig was recently removed and laid on the deck ready for transportation.
The main mast is about 17 m long, the beam is 4m and the total weight about 20 tons.
I am prepared to crane the boat onto transport and deliver a moderate distance if this can be done by early March so it’s important you have somewhere for it to go.
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